Empty Nesters: Explore Downsizing to a Smaller Home

Empty Nesters: Explore Downsizing to a Smaller Home

When your kids moved into homes of their own, you may have been excited, at first, to have the house all to yourselves. Grocery bills and laundry loads decreased. However, you may soon realize you have too much space.

While you may have a lot of good memories, you may decide to just keep a few mementos and say goodbye to such a big house that now requires so much cleaning, maintenance, and yard work. If you decide to downsize, here are some added benefits of moving as well as ways to make the move easier.

Experience a stress free move from start to finish by contacting the professionals at Moving and Storage of Jacksonville or by phone at (904) 239-2439.

You Will Save Money in Unexpected Ways

Not only will you be saving money on utility bills, you may find yourself saving more than you anticipated. Consider some of the expenses to repair your old, large family home: replacing a heat pump, adding insulation, or even replacing an HVAC system.

You may choose a smaller place closer to your grandchildren and closer to town. You could also save on homeowners’ insurance and property taxes. If you move closer to town, you could walk more than before. You would be saving money on gas, exercising without even trying, and putting fewer miles on your cars.

One other perk of selling a large home is being able to afford a beautiful newer, smaller house. If you have already paid off your family home, you can decide to take out a mortgage to purchase a new place. Since the housing market is so good, you can often make money from the sale of your home and not have to take out a new mortgage when you downsize. Even if you’re not lucky enough to have paid off the old home, oftentimes the profit can allow you to buy a new, smaller home outright or for a smaller loan. For tips on getting a mortgage as a retiree, check out The Balance.

Be sure to hire a knowledgeable realtor when you’re selling your current home and purchasing a new home in the Jacksonville area. Realtors can offer suggestions about updates before selling to get the most return on investment. In addition, they can help you find the perfect home for your needs!

Also, be sure to change the locks of any home you purchase. You want the added security that comes with you being the sole owner of a new set of locks and keys. Previous owners of your house may have given keys to evicted tenants, neighbors, and a score of other people. Just use online search criteria like “find a locksmith near me” to help you to connect with a professional and reliable locksmith to make sure your new home is secure.

You Will Declutter and Feel Less Stressed

As empty nesters, once you started to look around your too-big house and saw so much clutter, you felt stress. Clutter causes stress.

Downsizing can be like a breath of fresh air. It gives you the perfect excuse to get rid of the things that are weighing you down. Go through your home and purge. Weekend purge sessions give you a chance to sift through things with your kids when they visit, bringing back memories and family stories, allowing your kids to accept leaving their home. If you’re ready to start, you may find these tips from Moneycrashers.com helpful.

Decluttering will save you money on the move, since moving less costs less. Don’t put yourselves at risk by carrying boxes and furniture yourselves, so strongly consider hiring professional movers to take the pain out of moving. You won’t have to worry about renting a truck or finding enough friends and family to help you. And, you know your things will be safe with people who have the experience and equipment it takes to move a household.

As empty nesters, you won’t regret downsizing. You will save more money than you expected to, and you will be happier in a smaller, more manageable home. Sometimes you will miss your old house, but downsizing can lead to big improvements in the quality of your life.

Article Courtesy of Charles Simmons Tosellortostay.com


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