What to Do When Moving for Work

Written By: Suzie Wilson
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What to Do When Moving for Work

If you are moving for work, there are many things to consider. The following outlines some of the most important tasks to complete before moving day.

Selecting the Right Area

The first thing to do when moving for work is to choose a neighborhood close to where you plan to work. Data show that about half of Americans feel that housing affordability is a major problem in their local areas, so research the cost of housing in the areas that are within driving distance of your new job. In some cases, it may be financially beneficial to drive further to work while living in lower-cost housing. If you need to move quickly, it may be helpful to rent a residence so that you have more time to research and carefully select your ideal home.

If you do not already have a job lined up, utilize employment resources to help you find work in the area. Helpful resources include:

  • Job listing sites
  • Professional networking sites
  • Government resources
  • Job fairs

When applying to jobs, it is important to have a professional resume. There are many free resume templates to work from available online that can help you organize your information and customize the design.

Once you have determined the area you want to move to, search for the right home. If you have kids,  research the local schools to ensure they are a good match for your kids. See if the area offers school choices or has charter schools or private schools.

Organizing and Packing

Finding work, schools, and housing are generally the biggest aspects of any move. However, there are numerous smaller things that should be added to your to-do list. Some frequently forgotten tasks include leaving a forwarding address for mail, making sure you do not have gaps in health insurance coverage, ensuring pets are healthy before the move, and organizing all-important paperwork. If you will be using a new hospital network, remember to transfer immunization history and other important medical records.

Hiring a professional moving company Moving & Storage of Jacksonville makes the physical process much easier. When professionals pack and transport your belongings for you, you can focus on other important tasks.  

Taking Care of Kids and Pets

If you are moving with children, do what you can to ease their anxiety. Tell them about the upcoming move as soon as possible. Give them tasks, such as packing their bedrooms, to help them feel like they have some control. Allow them to select paint colors or furniture for their rooms. If possible, visit the new neighborhood beforehand. Leave out special belongings as long as possible and make sure they are clearly marked so that they can be unpacked quickly in the new house.

When moving with pets, it is important to make sure your furry friends are comfortable. Although you can’t explain the move to them, you can make sure they are kept away from the chaos of moving day as much as possible. Have a room in both houses set up with food, water, and toys so that pets have what they need while all the packing and unpacking is going on. Remember to give them extra love. Ask your vet for a sedative if your pet is particularly anxious.  

Although moving for work is a big undertaking, it is possible to keep the process manageable. Take it one step at a time to better keep track of all you need to do.

Image via Pexels

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